Children often have these moments where they say something and it just stops you. (Here think about that slow motion moment in your favourite TV show.) With the simplicity of a thought said innocently the world just stops as your mind shifts to take in what they said. A thought so simple and yet (the answer you were looking for) the thing YOU yourself need to hear right now.
I asked my son, “What is something you say to yourself every day that makes you feel good? I need some ideas for a friendly reminder.” He just shrugged and said, “I say, I love myself very very much,” it will make you feel good. It always makes me smile.” And just like that I stopped. Something so simple. Yes something so genuine. A statement full of so much self-love.
I have read so many articles and books that speak about the narrative voice in our heads. It is a complicated journey to get to know the voice, address it, or change it completely. That voice is often not the nicest as it contains thoughts coming from negative thoughts, self-abuse, or fear (just to name a few.) We just come from a place that we think it is acceptable as something that just is. But when you follow the advice from all those articles and books the key takeaway I have made is to immediately counteract them with a simple positive phrase. I have found from personal experience that the more you do this it slowly becomes automatic and easier. But what if we counteracted them before they appeared? What if we created this epic love space to come from in the first place, choosing to exist there, instead of that neutral space?
Occam’s Razor is often quoted, “the simplest solution is almost always the best.” Although that thought is quote everywhere, from teachers to TV shows have we really learned from it? Have we really taken the thought in? How often do we discover we are looking and searching for some big meaning or answer and yet… the simplest answers was the one we should have been looking for. How often do we waste time chasing remedies that may or may not be something that jives with us just to discover the answers we are seeking. As the chase is on we stumble on our own feet and discover the solution; right there on the sidewalk of life the epiphany is found (insert some humorous effect of “ta-da” and the answer waves;) the solution was right there an idea so simple that we aren’t even mad that we have scraped our knees tripping on it.
A question posed about feeling good was met with love. The simplest answer to the question was that love makes us feel good. We underestimate how much the love from our self truly matters to our mental health and our own minds. We are with ourselves the longest. We have to face our own face the longest in every mirror and reflective surface. So, why do we not focus on making sure when we spread the love we are included?
The things we say to ourselves matter. They may not matter to anyone else but they do matter. They make an impact on us. Each phrase, affirmation, compliment, pep talk, and positive thought is love. That love in ourselves is priceless and will be there when we hit any rough patches or are isolated in different stages of our lives.
So let’s be rebellious. Instead of just accepting the negative voice as is let’s get ahead of it altogether. Let’s say kind and loving things to ourselves. Every morning. Every night. Every day. Before we know it that other voice could be just a whisper easily overcome. We can bring words to ourselves from a place of accepting where we are right now and loving ourselves right now (as is.)
The question was met with the simplest answer. The best answer. Love is the answer.