Friendly Reminder #109
Nearly all your worries and fears will never happen.
Stress, anxiety, and fear are wonderful things aren’t they? In just one moment we are going about our day and then the next moment we are spiraling down a rabbit hole of complete nonsense. We think up these crazy scenarios full of what ifs, will happens, and just great now this. But here is the thing. If we really sit and think about it (after the moment has passed of course) nearly none of those scenarios have ever happened. This reminder makes me chuckle when I think of some of the crazy scenarios I have thought up in the past; I don’t know about you but I have thought of some ridiculous ones before. I have found what is helpful is to ground myself and breath bringing me back to the present. I go for a walk, exercise, sit on my floor and breath, read a book, or get lost in one of my household chores.

So, breath and ground yourself in the present. Psst… then climb out of the rabbit hole. Read this reminder and remember, “Nearly all your worries and fears will never happen.” Don’t forget to chuckle about this later. Like the time I was worried that my new kindergarten children would get lost going to the bathroom and get kidnapped (or get locked in and forgotten.) Chuckle about your own ridiculous scenarios that you thought of. It is a great way to remind yourself that this is just one moment and it will help you determine what are wild scenarios and what are actual possibilities. (It helps trust me.)