Batman: Murder At Wayne Manor: An Interactive Mystery
By: Duane Swierczynski

Book 35 of 2023


Bruce Wayne has a mystery on his hands. A body has just been dug up from his front lawn but the body is confirmed to have died thirty years ago. Could Thomas Wayne really be capable of murder? Could he really have murdered a young woman who worked with him for no apparent reason? Or was there a reason, an illicit affair? With photos, forensic reports, and journal entries the reader is invited to help Bruce Wayne solve the mystery. As Bruce finds a piece of evidence the reader gets to examine it as well. Can Bruce Wayne unearth the truth as police and investigators are so close to the home of Batman, clear his father’s name, and unearth the truth of a murder with ties to present? Can you (the reader) come to the same conclusions as Batman?

Thoughts and Review

This book has the wonderful feel of discovery like the old “choose your own adventure,” series. You know that feeling you got when you read them? That awesome anticipation to see just where the adventure would take you? This book captures that mystery and anticipation.

As the story progresses there are opportunities to view the evidence that Bruce Wayne himself discovers. I got to take time inspecting the photos and comparing DNA results. It was like my own personal chance to be a detective of sorts. It was exciting. As the puzzle came undone I found myself thinking about the mystery when I wasn’t reading and doing household tasks.

I really enjoyed this format of a novel. It was exciting and mysterious. The idea behind the story that figures from our past could have secrets of their own is intriguing. This was a glimpse of a “what if,” scenario if something arose from the past to alter your view of someone you loved who is now deceased. It makes you think if you could also rise to the challenge of uncovering the truth as Bruce Wayne does. Could you also find mercy for the person who is attempting to destroy everything your family stands for?

This was such an intriguing mystery that was definitely time well spent! The author, Duane Swierczynski, did a fantastic job of weaving the atmosphere for the reader to fall right into the spell of the story and into Bruce Wayne’s mind. As the reader it is as if you are travelling, thinking, and acting right alongside him.


I would recommend this graphic novel to anyone who is a fan of Batman but also all those (now adults) who loved those “Choose Your Own Adventure,” books from our youth. It was a lot of fun opening up the envelopes and examining the evidence. It was so easy to get into the frame of mind of puzzle solving. We could be the detective and we could be responsible in bringing the bad guys to justice.

If you are looking for something fun to read in a break of your regular reading habits this was a fun one. It could be the perfect imaginative break your mind needs (especially if you are on a more serious reading kick) at this moment. It was like a vacation from adulting to just immerse myself in this story. I hope you also find it as a vacation for your mind. Enjoy! Happy Reading!

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