You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
By: Jen Sincero

Book 5 of 2023

A Summary

In this self-help (or as I prefer to say self-discovery) book Jen Sincero creates an atmosphere of kick-assery as she motivates the reader to change their lives. Just like with any book in this genre you really have to take what speaks to you and leave the things that do not. Never does any piece of advice on any subject fit for every single person in the same manner. Jen provides a lot of examples from her own life (and the lives of people she knows) to explain how to create change and motivate the reader to do so. As the book progresses she provides many ideas for tools that can be utilized to propel the reader in the search of their own purpose and forward in their goals.

This book is like a buffet of information, tools, experiences, motivations, and ideas that you can choose from to adapt to your own life. I do hope this book allows you to discover the tools you can use that would allow you to discover your own inner badass that is hidden beneath all of life’s debris.

Thoughts and Review

What could be better during the cold of February than a motivating audiobook to tackle while out on walks? You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by: Jen Sincero was that for me this year. While listening to her audiobook her passionate and excited nature is infectious and just made me feel so pumped up. It helped me beat the cold while out for walks and on errands. While listening to Jen you can easily find comparisons in your own life where things could have gone differently if you would have taken a chance. Not every part of this book would resonate with every reader (there were parts that I tossed out of my mind after reading myself) but I really think there is something in it for everyone. I am already looking forward to rereading this again at another time. Adapting pieces to my own life is already planting the seeds of change. There are so many tips that you can really pick and choose the ideas to seize and try.

Just like with anything this book (or really any self-discovery book or article) you really have to take what speaks to you and leave the things that do not. Affirmations may work for you or they may be a tool that you prefer not to use. Positive thinking may be the tool you need to add to your tool box or perhaps you are someone that prefers concrete action. Maybe careful planning with stages will work for you or perhaps you are more of a dream board person.


This book is definitely worth the read or listen as I did. I found it helpful to have so many possible tools all laid out in an organized manner. I think if you are someone who is at the point in life that you want to make some big changes this book could be a great starting point. A place to launch from as you start your journey of discovery to find the tools that you wish to use in this new adventure. I would caution that from my own personal experience this book is a great example of: take what you want and leave the rest; there were a lot of parts that I simply cannot and will not apply to my own life. But that is just speaking as myself. So, if you are looking at a place to start this is it. From here you can narrow your field of vision down to the types of assistance or ideas that you would like to seek out in the future.

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