Do it anyway! We talk ourselves out of so many things. This time talk yourself into something. How often have you said you don’t have time for that workout because of… (pick any excuse we use like housework, chores, etc.) But at the end of the day you didn’t get your whole list done like you said you would do anyway. So really, it wouldn’t have mattered to spend that hour doing your workout, since you spent an hour scrolling your phone while you waited for the dishes to soak or your children to stop fighting.
Do it anyway! You don’t feel like working out? At least a couple times a week you do get that feeling because your mood is off or you are having a bad day. But do you know what is a great mood booster? Exercise! Feeling stuck and frustrated? Go for a walk! It’s exercise. If you don’t feel like working out… think about what you felt like last time when you finished working out.
Do it anyway! We only have one body and we rely on it for not only our health but energy and well being. If we can stay motivated to take care of our body with exercise, walking, and hitting that step goal we are taking a big step in taking care of ourselves. To quote my son when asked why he dance cleans, “I have to take care of my body, I can’t put my brain in an autobot yet.”
The hardest part in any part of life is showing up. So show up for yourself. Your future self will thank you for carving out the time. Exercise, it is self-care. Find physical activity that you like doing and that is one sure step in encouraging you to make the time. Yoga, jogging, step-workouts, dance, weight-lifting, HIIT, etc,. Just show up. You got this.
Psst… remember you are no use to all your obligations and to the people you care for if you are burnt out. Take care of yourself. There is only one you.