Thanksgiving has passed in Canada but will be occurring soon for our neighbours to the south in the United States. The theme that covers the holiday is one of thankfulness. Even as a small child there was the persistent question asked and answered year after year. “What are you thankful for?” This year I thought about how we could be asking this question all year. Really the idea of gratitude can be utilized every day.
This thought came to me as I was admiring a display made by someone near the Public Library. I had just left the library where I was pleasantly surprised by my holds that had expired a few days earlier but that the librarians had left for me to find on the holds shelves. I had to stop at this display and admire it. I had such a sent of gratitude for this moment that it brought the idea to mind… “What are you thankful for?”
Remember just because you are finding gratitude in this moment, on this day that your children played with your lipstick, or the day you get splashed by a puddle does not mean this is a place you want to stay in.
Spend some time today and everyday thinking of that question. Whether they are positive sprinkles, the coziness of your blankets, the smell of freshly washed sheets, or just the warmth from your coffee cup. My grandmother often would say you needed to be thankful for what you do have before you can get the things you want; if you don’t do that you will never be happy.
Even if you are in a place you would like to be rid of focusing on the positive things and those that you are thankful for will put you in a grounded place where your mind can focus on manifesting the action needed to move forward. Remember just because you are finding gratitude in this moment, on this day that your children played with your lipstick, or the day you get splashed by a puddle does not mean this is a place you want to stay in. It is gratitude. Gratitude for the air in your lungs, the smile on your face, and the sunshine.