Book 32 of 2023


What would happen if Mother Nature started fighting back against humanity’s insatiable desire for more? Could there be tangible danger found in the ghosts of the gods that we told everyone didn’t exist? Could one town or community find the solution for their energy needs? What exactly are the consequences of continuing to deny the existence of Mother Nature? This book answers those questions and leaves so many more unanswered and created. This is a novel of how one teenage girl from New Mexico comes to embody the energy of being that is mother nature to take back her land and resources.

Thoughts and Review

It is only within a few pages of this book that I wasn’t even thinking about it as if it was a book. It was more like snap shots from a movie or television show that is your new obsession. The story is exciting and thought provoking considering the world’s current energy culture. It was so interesting you really have to read it to check it out for yourself. I am glad that I took a chance and took this out of my library. This book does a beautiful job of interconnecting all those little things for the reader in such a way that you can see the symmetry with our current life stage (in a societal sense.) The rushes through procedure and design, the ignoring of possible concerns by “regular people,” and the over all conversation of the worth of the economy with no regard to a future without the possibility of the environment to sustain it. The graphic novel, “Mother Nature,” is more than relevant for our time right now.

Jamie Lee Curtis has addressed the issues we have in the back of our minds whenever we hear of a new innovation on the energy front. She captures the fear, apprehension, and also the blind faith that we have as a society that the protections are in place for us or the environment. But really how do we know if anything we believe is true? How do we know for sure that the industries, politicians, or workers have our interests or even our future in mind when they work, talk, and take action? We do not. And that is one of the scary truths of life in our day. But through this story there is hope amongst the fear that we can come together and we can together (or as individuals) make a difference in the world.

I wish I could thank Jamie Lee Curtis for this vision and production brought to life with real concrete evidence of the acknowledgement of the indigenous people of the area. These ideas can easily be applied to any of the environmental issues in your location with the indigenous people in the forefront. This novel gives the reader a lot to think about not just on a personal level but also on an environmental level and a human level for the world as a whole.


Whether you are a regular reader of graphic novels or not I think you would enjoy this. It is like a snapshot of the current world we live in with consequences that we can imagine. What if mother nature could fight back? What if all the scientists and doom-sayers are right and we have doomed ourselves? What if it is more than we could imagine? If you are interested in challenging the general narrative this is a book you could use to start with. This book is more than relevant for our time right now and it could even be seen as an omen of sorts of what the lack of inaction gets a society. Seriously, read this. It was awesome for so many reasons. Happy Reading!

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